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is here

OxfordSpeaks is here. Our society, which is run purely by current undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Oxford, aims to connect Oxford with the world's brighest minds.

Who We Are

Our aim is to bring Oxford students the world’s best and brightest minds.

We are very new — this is our first year! But we are delighted to announce a fabulous lineup of speakers, who range from former Prime Ministers to business leaders and human rights campaigners.


While most of our events are in-person, some are virtual as well. 


Our events are generally completely free of charge for Oxford students. We strive to maximize the involvement of our audiences by allowing as much time as possible for questions.

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Join Us Today

Our society is run purely by current undergraduate and postgraduate students at the University of Oxford. We are aiming to build something truly great.  But we can’t do it without your help. To learn more about who's on our team right now, click the link below.  To get involved with us, head to the ‘contact’ section. We’ll be sure to be in touch.

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